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The Detriment of Denial & the Joy of Surrender!

By Deborah Bell

(Lead Apostle DGAN Global Network and DGFC churches)

(Originally posted 15 May, 2017)

The problem with denial is that it causes such blindness and closes doors of truth. It’s a stronghold and unless we are willing to break its power it will cause a lukewarm heart and ultimately, we can end up ignoring every teaching in front of us on this topic.

This can cause us to slowly drift away from God’s purpose for our life, and our fervour and fire goes out.


Because denial is one of the ways we avoid dealing with the real issues in our lives. It’s a

very unhealthy coping mechanism, and it’s not from the Spirit but the flesh.

That’s why God has given us Holy Spirit, the Word and mentors in our life, to help us

overcome the snares (traps) of the enemy.

If we are open to hear and be teachable we will grow and flourish, as we listen to our

Master’s voice, through Holy Spirit, The Word and our God-given advisors. There will

always be a parallel. The Trinity is not divided against itself nor is God’s Word.

God places people in our lives that we are spiritually aligned with, to help ‘oversee’ our

souls, (as scripture puts it – See Heb 13:7,17). Often they are able to see things in our lives

that we are not willing to look at, and take our hand and help us through.

They help us, by bringing awareness so that we can deal with roots in our lives that

obstruct us growing into the fullness of Christ.

Don’t dismiss them simply because of fear and pride.

Are you open or closed to hearing even this particular post? (Remember, we are selective


How is the spiritual condition of your heart (inner-being) doing?

Is there something keeping you from where you need to be spiritually?

Is Holy Spirit unctioning you with something you know you need to do to get back to being ‘on fire’ for the LORD?

Don’t let the world wear you down, or let pride get in the way. Rather, listen, hear and obey the voice of Holy Spirit, it’s the first step of growth.

Decide today that you are an overcomer through Christ and surrender this to the LORD

and pray. Speak to your overseer and ask them to pray with you, and get free! God will do


The LORD wants every part of our lives to prosper, including our soul. Sometimes, that will mean surrendering some things in our lives.

2Tim 3:16-17, Heb 4:12, 1 Thess. 5:12, 3 John 1:2.

Study chapter: James 3:13–4:10 (NIV)


Apostle Deborah Bell


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